Everyone can benefit from a shiatsu treatment because it is directed at your own energy.
I focus on complaints with a mental, emotional or psychological component.
Everyone can benefit from a shiatsu treatment because it is directed at your own energy.
I focus on complaints with a mental, emotional or psychological component.
You do not feel comfortable about yourself. Could be changes in your personal life, study or work. Or your hormones start to rage.
You are brooding, you worry. Letting go is difficult, making decisions too. You feel tired or frustrated.
You are clearly out of balance, finding it difficult to relax and enjoy fun things.
After an intense event, you are no longer the same. It could be a diagnosis for cancer, the loss of what was dear to you or another traumatic event.
You started to get anxious, can not sleep well anymore, suffer from night sweats. You feel angry, sad or depressed.
You are constantly emotional or can not express your emotions.
Psychological and emotional complaints often go hand in hand with physical complaints. Unrest in your body, pressure on your chest, hyperventilation, unexplained pain symptoms. But PMS, fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome as well.
Underlying your energy balance is disturbed. By releasing your energy again the complaints decrease.
Shiatsu strengthens your self-healing ability and helps you to recover.
Cliënt, 30 years
Rosalie, 10 years old